Wednesday 3 December 2008

So I had an annoying experience with my lacy scarf, I have never tried lace knitting before, and as I also crochet, when it says to yo, I did it like I would when crocheting. This created a pretty pattern, but not like the sample one in the shop, which looked much more impressive. It was also quite difficult to knit the next row. So I decided to swallow my pride and go back to my book, I was predictably doing it wrong. I have now had to unravel the scarf yet again!! It better be appreciated by its recipient.

A pic of the scarf as was, before unravelling can be found on my ravelry page

Will hopefully get working on a beautiful lace scarf, perfect in every way later this evening!

Saturday 22 November 2008

Sorry, I forgot to post a photo of the hat so far, its a bit small for me, but you get the general idea!
Scarf is on hold while I make a hat. I bought a pattern for a nice hat with a flower from Etsy, but I am having trouble following it, so I decided to go off-piste and make it up as I go along! Its coming along quite well, although I have had to unravel a few rows. I want the hat to have just the merest hint of a brim, and I had added too many increase rows and it was starting to look a little 80s!

I am determined to finish this weekend so that I can go back to concentrating on the scarf for my mother-in-law, I reall need to get both these things finished by the end of november, I want o mke around another 3 present during december!

Monday 10 November 2008

lace scarf

I am now attempting my first lace knitting, its a free pattern I got with some lovely Rowan Kidsilk Haze in John Lewis. Unfortunately its proving to be a bit more challenging than I thought! There is only one row of pattern every four rows, and it consists only of knitting 2 together and yarn overs, simple I proclaimed when looking at the pattern in the shop. Wrong. Its difficult to follow what you are doing and although there is no problem with the pattern row, the subsequent row of knit seems to keep going wrong! However persevering and restarting several times seems to be paying off and its now starting to look pretty good, but there are still several holey bits that look more holey than the rest *sigh* nevermind!

night night x

Thursday 6 November 2008

I seem to be pretty rubbish at adding to this blog, but I haven't been knitting much this week. I did have a gift of some rather nice yarn from a friend of mine who has been in Peru making a film for Amnesty International. Its baby alpaca, so now I have to think of something exciting to make from it!

The blanket in the background is one I made a couple of years ago from Rowan Plaid, which is sadly no longer available. Its very welcome on cold nights!

Wednesday 29 October 2008

Here is a cute as anything cat I crocheted from a fab pattern available on the internet at
The original was in Japanese, but the creator has also translated into english!

He was quite easy to make, but I had loads of problems getting plastic pellets for his beany-bum, in the end I used lentils-but these aren't really heavy enough. Later my friend found them on the internet, but I still don't understand why no knitting or haberdashy shops in Edinburgh sell them!

Not really sure what this blog thing is all about!

I am keen to set up a blog, buts its all a bit new and mysterious to me, will anyone read it?